We are growing!
(Article from September 2018)
Its been a very exciting year so far with many updates, much more data, multiple new data centers and whats more important new partners, new headquarters in the USA (East Coast) as well as strategic partnerships with the Arizona Cyber Warfare Range (AZCWR.org) University of Phoenix, CTG Intelligence, Infragard, the FBI and new partners. In addition we have added many new services like data and intelligence research options for existing as well as future customers to our existing Risk Intelligence Platform CyberNSight. We now have new products like the BlueTeam Dashboard which includes multiple new Malware, Exploit and OSINT update feeds into a software package that is now available on Windows, Linux PCs or servers and as a Virtual Machine.
New Offices
With our expansion strategy to address critical and crucial markets we have invested in additional offices and capacity in the United States. This move solidifies our commitment to the global research and critical infrastructure as well as academic markets and partnerships we have built in Europe.
Our North American Headquarters in the USA is on the East Coast and is located in New Jersey:
107 Tindall Road, Middletown, NJ 07748 Phone: (732) 961-5330, Fax: (732) 961-5331
This facility has staff that can take care of operations on the eastern coast as well as coordinate activities with myself and the executive team in Europe. As operational needs increase we will spilt up operations between the East and West Coasts respectively.
We have additional offices opening up in California that will take care of the West Coast and another office in Phoenix, Arizona for additional operations going forward with the AZCWR, Infragard and our strategic partnership with the University of Phoenix in Mesa,Arizona. The California office has additional resources dedicated to new research projects including our new open source initiatives to further expand API and OSINT framework integration. This research team will work together on core projects with the European development Team and CTO. In addition the California and New Jersey locations will be dedicated to U.S. special research projects that will remain in the U.S. as well as coordinate global research with the European organization.
New Partners USA (East Coast)
We want to welcome the following new partners in the US that are helping us expand our global footprint and especially helpful in the West Coast / Mid West areas. These partners are helping us expand our support for CyberNSight, the BlueTeam Dashboard and additional data feeds integration with multiple Governmental as well as Research and other Business customers.
- (National) Arizona Cyber Warfare Range https://www.azcwr.org
- Phoenix NAP – Global IT Services for Government Services https://phoenixnap.com
- CITSO – Infrastructure and Security Consulting https://www.citsocorp.com
- Blacksite Solutions – Network and Security Solutions https://www.blacksite.solutions
We want to welcome all our new partners into the Hakdefnet Family and look forward to helping customers defend their organizations against new and emerging threat actors using advanced hybrid warfare based attacks.
New European Partners
- (Global) CTG Intelligence – Security and Defense Business Events and Connections http://www.ctgintelligence.com
- (DACH) Behordenspiegel – German and European Government Press and Research https://www.behoerden-spiegel.de
- Others to be announced shortly…
PITS 2018

During the last week we also had the honor of discussing cyber defense capabilities with German, European and NATO partners during the conference on Public IT Security in Berlin. During these two days we showed some of the capabilities of our Risk Intelligence offering and how we can offer a new and unique type of proactive defense not otherwise seen in the market previously. https://www.public-it-security.de
During the conference we also discussed how Germany, EU and NATO can and need to build up cyber defensive capabilities that are also capable of being proactive in discovering actual nation-state threat actors that seek to destabilize Germany, the EU and NATO.
During PITS we took part in an interview with Austrian TV and discussed various attack use cases that include “blackout” scenarios based on ours and the Soc Prime teams research into BlackEnergy that was also mentioned by the Head of BKA (German FBI) cyber group. As soon as that interview is released we will update this post with a link.
So thats it for this update, hope you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you in October at the Federal Reserve Conference on the 30th of October or in November in DC or Phoenix.